Friday, March 26, 2010

Liking yourself...

Imagine truly liking yourself.

What would that feel like?

For me, it is a feeling of self-cofidence. "Nobody in this world is perfect", we all have our flaws and weakness but what we can do is to accept these flaws and live with it. Instead, we should also recognise our strength too. Only by recognising our strength then will we be able to like ourselves.

I personally feel that I am quite handsome... Don't try to pull me down and call me thick-skinned. I seriously like myself. I feel that I'm good-looking, good at sports, pretty smart and have great friends. I do not need to worry about food, shelter or survival. I'm well-taken care of.

Actually, viewing yourself is all a matter of perspective. You are actually not ugly, just not as good-looking as some people (Quoted from Cren).

Everybody have their talents. Mine is sports but if you throw me any musical related stuff, I will definitely screw up. Trust me, if you can make it into the team, you are already counted as very good at sports.

Smart? If you are able to get into Cat High, you ARE smart. Maybe just not as smart as the smartier people.

Being able to eat and jump is already a blessing from god. Do you know how many people are seriously ill and can't even move and do you know how many people are starving everyday on earth? Count yourself as super lucky to be able to be brought up in this well-protected society. So do you think you can have any reasons to not like yourself? A healthy body and a stable life is something billions of people in the world long for, and you have it!

Ask yourself, why should you dislike yourself then?

Why did I choose to make a decision to simply like myself? Because I realized that no one can make me like myself but me. So what I did was ask this very simple question: What do I like about myself? Guess what happened? My focus changed. I was now focusing on what I liked about myself instead of wasting my time focusing on what I did not like.

What is so freeing about liking yourself just as you are is that you do not need anyone to like you for this to work for you. Liking yourself is independent from whether others like you or not. In other words, people can like or dislike you and you can keep on smiling while you like liking yourself. You do not have to care about what others say as long as you believe in what you think is true!

Something amazing will began to happen just like it did for me. People will be drawn to you. Why? If you had a choice to be attracted or drawn to someone who likes themselves or not, which one would you choose? It really depends on how a person views themselves and others.

Afterall, it is all down to a matter of perspective...

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