Monday, March 8, 2010


"Friendship is the cooperative and supportive relationship between people. In this sense, the term connotes a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem, affection, and respect along with a degree of rendering service to friends in times of need or crisis.

Friends will welcome each other's company and exhibit loyalty towards each other, often to the point of altruism. Their tastes will usually be similar and may converge, and they will share enjoyable activities. They will also engage in mutually helping behavior, such as the exchange of advice and the sharing of hardship. A friend is someone who may often demonstrate reciprocating and reflective behaviors. Yet for some, the practical execution of friendship is little more than the trust that someone will not harm them.

Value that is found in friendships is often the result of a friend demonstrating the following on a consistent basis:

- the tendency to desire what is best for the other

- sympathy and empathy

- honesty, perhaps in situations where it may be difficult for others to speak the truth, especially

- in terms of pointing out the perceived faults of one's counterpart

- mutual understanding "

Back with another long essay again >.< Friendship.

1) Who are your true friends? What do they do for you?

2) Choosing friends.

3) How to be a good friend.

*Who are your true friends?

Are they the one who you like to hang around with? Or are they the one who help you when you are in need? Or are they the one you trust most?

Trust me, your true and best friend will have all of the above. As long as he is a true friend, you will like to hang out with him, you will trust him, and he will help you, without any conditions, when you are in need.

If they lack any of the 3 conditions mentioned above, he will probably not be a very close friend of yours.

Some people say that friends are people which you can obtain benefit from. I TOTALLY disagree with these people. I think it is be'cose these people are too selfish and too self-centered. That is why they do not have true friends, that's why they do not understand what are true friends for...

True friends are selfless, they are willing to give his other friend the better stuff while he takes the lousier one. He is willing to do all the work by himself, take on all the responsibility as long as his friend stays happy. He will not help you and ask you to return him a favour in the future.

*What do they do for you?

Normally, what they do for you, are done unconsciously. They will normally do it out of care and concern, thus they usually aren't aware it. And they will not tell you that they did this and did that for you. They do it out of care and not for attention or approval from you.

These little actions are often ignored or done with little notice from the other party and sometime even the person himself.

They will usually do you a favour, to the best of their ability even thou they might not be able to complete it. They will not reject the favour be'cose it is very troublesome.

*Choosing friends

It is actually quite easy to judge a person whether he is truthful to you. All of his little acts will speak for himself. By now you should already know who are your friends and who aren't. Those who are not, they are the one you usually stay away from.

Choosing the Right Friends. At this age, it is very easy for us to get influenced by our peers. Peer pressure may come in 2 forms.

Positive influence and Negative influence.

You are under positive influence, you will probably follow your mugger friends, studying hard~

But once you are under negative peer pressure, you will easily be convinced to follow what they do, which might not be good or appropriate for you. You will then be easily stray off and neglect your studies. By then, you will not think what you are doing is wrong. Thus, from the start we should draw a line, we should always keep in mind how far we should follow them and when we should stop. It might be fun now but the future road ahead is even longer. Don't let a moment of impulse let you make a wrong decision which you might regret for your entire life. Your top priority now is your studies. All else comes second.

*How to be a good friend.

You should start being a good friend by following these few pointers:

1) Be nice and helpful.

2) Do not do things that might irritate them.

3) Do not be so direct, don't say things that might hurt them, consider their feelings. Think before you speak.

4) Respect them. Their decisions might not be the same as yours. You might not always be right.

When your are hanging out together, some jokes and 'suans' are go to start the conversation. When people laugh, they will feel a sense of belonging to the group. This way people will not get left out. And pls talk about topics that most people are familiar with or they might get left out. A topic where everybody can have a say in. Engage the more quiet ones, let them feel a sense of belonging to the group. Do NOT isolate any of the members, they will feel DAMN hurt, but they usually don't show it. When 'suaning' pls don't always target the same person. Ryan I'm sorry...

Know about each other background and character, then you will be able to come out with a different way to communicate with him. If he has a thick skin ( Don't look at me, I'm not okay~), some 'suan' be good to keep him from being over-confident. But if you know he takes things seriously and will emo over stuffs easily, don't hurt him. If he is the kind that bottle every thing up, try to talk more with him, let him pour out his feelings. If he like to talk ALOT, just listen if you might not like it as it helps him to relieve the pain of not being able to chat.

Help him as a friend if you know he needs help. Talk with him about it, give him some advices if you can. If he is not as rich as you do, if you have a little extra cash, you might just want to treat him a bubble tea which might just brighten up his day. Understand that not everybody is as rich as you, sometimes you have to consider their feelings on certain issues that concerns $.

Be nice,

Do not hurt your friends.

Consider their feelings when you do or say things.

Be selfless.

Help your friends in areas where you are better in.

Respect them and their decisions...


Frens 4eva~~~!!!

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