Wednesday, August 25, 2010


That's how I'm feeling now. Squashed and restricted.

Just like this poor panda, I'm caged within time. He is caged by a watch (time), while I'm caged within the limited amount of time I have left for the upcoming EOY.

When life just seemed to brighten up a little, when everything seems like it is gonna be fine for once, comes the crashing weight of the stress of the EOY upon my shoulders.

Darn. Reality is simply cruel...

I already found out what my weakness are and have already started working to overcome them. It will obviously not be completed over a few days but I really have to hurry and get things right FAST. EOY is just round the corner...

I better not tarry anymore. I'm procrastinating too much. I starting to accumulate my homework, just like before. Can't afford to do so. I've already learnt my lesson. Better not repeat that again. But then again, no matter how determined I was to do/start on my work when I reach home, I just seem to falter right before I start my work. It's really very annoying and I can only blame myself for it. I know it's tough for me to change over such a short period of time when this bad habit of mine has been part of my daily life for a year or 2, but at least I have to try overcoming it a little by little. Problem is, I JUST can't seem to overcome this barrier. It's annoying. I keep telling myself to not procrastinate anymore but I just can't seem to carry out whatever I was thinking. My actions and thoughts don't synchronise.

C'mon Darrell, you can do it... Hwaiting!!!


Today's morning have a religious talk for Carpe Diem. Was rather amazed by the ideology and belief of the various religion. I'm not against any religion (free thinker), but I sort of have this vision that a religion is just a bluff/propaganda. This is purely my perception so there is no offense against those with religion. I mean, who can prove that god exist? I vaguely remember something about messenger and angels, like they sorta pass message from god or something, but who can confirm these angels exist in the first place? Even if they really exist, who can prove that that is the actual message from god? I mean that are many things in a religion that we can't challenge. It is like " It's was like this from the start, everybody agrees so it should be right..." conception. Nobody can prove that it is right or wrong. Nobody actually saw god face to face before right?

So how can we actually confirm that god exist? So religion is more like a belief and ideology, nobody can prove it wrong or right. It's holy. You don't believe it then forget it, if you do, continue believing in it. Dead people can't tell us whether they really went to heaven or hell right?

BUT, I would really like to stress that religion is something that brings more good than harm. It really develops you as a person well. It stresses on values and belief. It trains a person well. And when these followers trust their god and know that god is watching over them, it actually builds up belief in them. It builds self-discipline as well, cose for eg, fasting, they can't eat cose they know god is watching and stuff like that. They also think twice before they do anything that is against their religion, which trains self control.

That's why I'm never against any religion as I see it as something good even though I'm still not convince that god exist that's why I have yet to have a religion. Fyi, most of the successful people in the world have a religion... Faith and believe keeps one going.


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